30 Mayıs 2008 Cuma


We have taken pictures related with beautiful and kitsch. Observation is an important part of engineering. An engineer also should be aware of problems around him or her. Because engineers solve problems. And to solve them they first should be aware of them. To solve problem and construct a solution process for a problem engineers need to collect datas. And ı think this taking picture exercise's aim is to make us aware and to teach us how to make observations. And then what can we learn from them. I think this is the abstraction part of this exercise.

What does sequential mean?

Sequential generally means succesive. In a process all stages of process are sequential. So a process has not got only one stage. People ,who want to solve problems related with processes and systems, should know the sequential structure of the system. Industrial engineers should decide the most effective way of designing of a system. So they should organize all stages of process properly

What does iterative mean?

The word iterative means repetitive generally. However the other meaning of iterative is cyclical. According to another source it can be defined as a systematic process for system development that is recommended for use in creating DSS ( Decision Support Systems).Iteration also used in project management and software development. Waterfall approach is often compared with this approach which is related with iteration

What does a life circle mean?

Life circle generally means a time period from beginning to the conclusion of a product, system or a business. For a system life cycle means the time from beginning of the system to the replacement of the system. The term life cycle can be used for all organisms. So it can be used for systems and businesses too because systems or businesses can change with time too. As a result life circle generally can be assessed as a period of time which last from beginning to the conclusion for a system , a business or an organism.

What is a process?

Process is a orginized set of activities. It also is a time period which is naturally occuring or designed order of changes of properties of a system. Process management, process control and process evaluation are important work areas of industrial engineers. As a result process is order of changes of an object or a system, which can be seen by using scientific method. For solution of a problem engineers should develop a process too. Moreover industrial engineers should save time and money when they are solving problems.That's why they should be good at process development,management and control.

What is an event?

There are a lot of different definitions of event. But event is generally something that happens at a given time and a given place. However according to probability theory and event is a set of results to which a probability is assigned.That means when there is a finite space and subset of these space is an event. As a result event is simply means an occurrance. But it must be at a given time and a given place according to the definition. In the probability theory any subset of a finite space is an event. However philosophers have not reached a certain definition for the word event.

What does relevance mean?

Relevance generally means relation of something to the matter at hand. It can be ussed to describe some information and show how connected and pertinent they are. Relevance is important because to solve a problem we need to identify the relevant elements of the problem. As a result relevance is important because engineers should see the relevance and connection between different situations and problems to construct a solution