30 Mart 2008 Pazar


Engineer is someone who have taken undergraduate degree from an engineering department of a university .Engineers usually find suitable solutions to the problems by using scientific information, mathematics and technology. Engineers also desing devices and systems for usage of people.They can work in companies or universities as an academic staff. However teamwork is indispensible for engineers like ethic.This is their differences from other staff.Some attributions of engineers depend on their working area.For example computer engineers must be good at programming but mechanical engineering must be good at computer aided graphic design.As a result generally all engineers must be good at problem solving , thinking creatively and teamwork.Engineering is also a good profession to improve career.Because engineers generally promote easily because of their intellectual skill and scientific knowledge


Generally engineers solve problems by using mathematics, technology and scientific knowledge.However their studies differ because of their areas after this general definition.Engineers design objects or systems by using their scientific knowledge.An engineer must also use and operate his/her equipments and budget properly. Almost everything, we use in daily life, were designed by engineers. Tables, chairs, devices, computers, games, buildings…However engineers can design system ,which is intangible. For example; industrial engineers.They design system in order to solve process problems in a business.Industrial engineers also make things more quality and efficient. Different disciplines of engineering work on different types of problems. But they generally solve problems in a scientific way and they design and create devices, buldings, things using mathematics and technology.


Aerospace engineers(space researchs,desing planes and space shuttles), chemical engineers, civil engineers, electrical engineers, industrial engineers, materials engineers(find and discover new, enduring materials), mechanical engineers, structural engineers, systems engineers, environmental engineers(creating systems which save water,renewable energy resources,renew air), nuclear engineers(works on nuclear energy), network engineers, biomedical engineers, bioengineers, computer engineers, phsyical engineers, ceramic engineers, genetic engineers, food engineers, hidrogeology engineers, control engineers(control systems and processes), mining engineers(find and discover new minerals and find their usage areas), mechatronic engineers, mathematics engineers, meteorology engineers(predict air conditions by using datas), forest industry engineers, telecommunication engineers(work on new telecommunication technologies and develop them), textile engineers, software engineers, agricultural engineers are some types of engineers.But , civil engineering(plan and design buildings), chemical engineering, mechanical engineering(construct and design machines), electrical engineering(works on circuits chips, microchips and devices working with electric) are main and oldest types of engineering.Industrial engineers coordinate other types of engineers in work place and use them in the right parts of the process.Industrial engineers know some other areas of engineering’s terminology.Therefore they can communicate other engineers well.That’s why, industrial engineers promote easily and can be manager or director.




In the middle of the 18th century the first engineering schools were founded in France.Military and polytechnic schools were established in France to teach engineering and these schools produced important people like Laplace, Lagrange, and Fourier.In America the first school, which offers engineering education, was the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.It opened in 1802. the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute was the first school ,which cultivates civil engineers.It awarded first engineering degree in 1835.In Ottaman Empire the first school ,which cultivates engineers with a modern way, was founded in 18 November 1776.




The Latin word “ingenium” is the root of the word “engineer”, which means “innate quality, especially mental power, hence a clever invention. Derivation of word engineer dates back to 1325.”First engineers are military constructors, who were employed by governments. Engineer referred to “a constructor of military engines”. Later, civilian structures like bridges, buildings, towers started to design in a technical way. Military and non-military projects were distinguished by the term of “civil engineering”. The Acropolis and the Parthenon in Greece, the Roman aquaducts, Via Appia and the Colosseum, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Pharos of Alexandria, the pyramids in Egypt, Teotihuacán and the cities and pyramids of the Mayan, Inca and Aztec Empires, the Great Wall of China are some desings of ancient engineers.The first civil engineer’s name is Imhotep.As official, Pharaoh Djoser designed the Pyramid of Djoser at Sakkara in Egypt around 2630-2611 BC and since the ancient times, role of engineers have not changed,to create and to design.

29 Mart 2008 Cumartesi

My Preference

If ı have a chance to be one of these people, ı would prefer being Frederick Taylor.Because he is the father of scientific management.Moreover, Henri Fayol,Henry Ford and other a lot of important people were affected from his ideas.He found the assembly line as an idea.After him Henry Ford applied it.He saw that workers are very important for the factory or company.According to Taylor workers must improve themselves.But, he changed things at lower parts in hierarchic system more than upper parts.After him Henri Fayol did it.I think Frederick Taylor is the most important person in these seven people and he is the creator of scientific management.Differently Frederick Taylor created a new theory.He didnt modify theories like other VIPs.That’s why if ı have a chance,ı would prefer being Frederick Taylor.

MAX WEBER(21 April 1864 – 14 June 1920)

Maximilian Carl Emil Weber was a political economist and socialist ,who is from Germany. He is one of the founders of the modern study of sociology and public administration. He worked on rationalization in sociology of religion and government.According to Weber there are four main types of a social action.

Men may engage in purposeful or goal-oriented rational action

Men’s rational action may be value-oriented

They may act from emotional or affective motivations

They may engage in traditional action.

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is his most famous essay. His most significant contribution to the sociology of politics and government is his Politics as a Vocation essay. According to Weber, a politician must not be the man of true christian ethic.Weber distinguished three types of political leadership.

Charismatic domination

Legal domination

Traditional domination

He simply wants to answer this question. Why did capitalism appear in West protestan countries? Because according to Protestan ethic, god likes people ,who work a lot. Moreover people are instruments of god. The Religion of China: Confucianism and Taoism, Ancient Juadism, The The Religion of India: The Sociology of Hinduism and Buddhism are his other studies about religion and socialogy.

Quotations from Max Weber

No sociologist should think himself too good, even in his old age, to make tens of thousands of quite trivial computations in his head and perhaps for months at a time.

The fate of our times is characterized by rationalization and intellectualization and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

One can say that three pre-eminent qualities are decisive for the politician: passion, a feeling of responsibility, and a sense of proportion.


ABRAHAM MASLOW(April 1, 1908 – June 8, 1970)

Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist.He found the “hierarchy of human needs” and he is the father of humanistic psychology.Maslow’s the most important contribution to psychology is ”Hierarchy of needs”.Before this study he studied on monkeys.According to Maslow, after the breathe the most important need is thirst. Hunger is less important than thirst and sex is the least important need between basic ones.Then he started to compare all needs. He saw that instinctive needs are more powerful than others.His study is shown on a pyramid.

Psychological needs: These include oxygen, water, protein, salt, sugar, calcium, and other minerals and vitamins at first because people can not be alive without them.Also pH and temperature is very important to live.Moreover , people need to sleep ,rest other instinctive needs.

The safety and security needs: Human being starts to look for safety places and circumstances after he/she found the first conditions above.The fear and anxiety starts to appear at this step.

The love and belonging needs :When people found psychological needs and safety need, they start to look for friends, love, children.However if we look at this step negatively loneliness and social anxieties can increase at this step

The esteem needs: According to Maslow, there are two types of esteem needs,the lower one and higher one.The lower one is the need of respect of others.But the higher one is more important because it includes the self esteem, indipendence and freedom.

Self-actualization:It includes morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts.Maslow did a research for self-actualization.He looked a group of people’s biographys, writings, acts which include Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jane Adams, William James, Albert Schweitzer, Benedict Spinoza, and Alduous Huxley.Then he developed a list of qualities that seemed characteristic of these people.He saw that these people were reality-centered,which means they can differentiate fake and genuine.They were also problem-centered .According to them the journey is more important than end.Democratic and ethical values also arise at this step
According to Maslow a self-actualizer, who wants to be happy, needs to follow these;

Truth, rather than dishonesty
Goodness, rather than evil
Unity, wholeness, and transcendence of opposites, not arbitrariness or forced choices.
Aliveness, not deadness or the mechanization of life
Uniqueness, not bland uniformity.
Perfection and necessity, not sloppiness, inconsistency, or accident.
Completion, rather than incompleteness.
Justice and order, not injustice and lawlessness.
Simplicity, not unnecessary complexity.
Richness, not environmental impoverishment
Effortlessness, not strain.
Playfulness, not grim, humorless, drudgery
Self-sufficiency, not dependency.
Meaningfulness, rather than senselessness.

Maslow’s theory is a very important theory for many areas of life.It showed us the order of presedence clearly.Therefore it influenced production, sell, finance and many other areas of business life.He died in a heart attack in 1970.

Quatations from Abraham Maslow

If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.

The story of the human race is the story of men and women selling themselves short.

The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.

A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.


28 Mart 2008 Cuma


Lillian Moller Gilbreth (May 24, 1878, Oakland, California )

She was the first industrial psychologist and one of the first working female engineers.She was more humanity side of industrial organizations and studies.She was the mother of 12 children, Anne, Mary, Ernestine, Martha, Frank Jr., William, Lillian, Fred, Daniel, John, Robert and Jane.She lived 48 years after his husband death.

Frank Bunker Gilbreth: (July 7, 1868, Fairfield, Maine - June 14, 1924, Montclair, New Jersey)

Frank Bunker Gilbreth was an assertor of scientific management ,a pioneer of motion study and supporter of Taylorism.That’s why,there are a lot of similarities between Frederic Taylor and The Gilbreths.He also is best known as the father of Cheaper by Dozen.Time and motion study is a business efficiency technique.Time study was done by Frederick Taylor .Motion study was done by Frank and Lilian Gilbreth.This technique is the major part of scientific management.A time and motion study’s aim is increase productivity by reducing the number of motions.The most important example of usage of this study is bricklaying.Frank Bunker Gilbreth reduced the number of motions in laying a brick from 18 to 5.The Gilbreths also developed Therbilgs(reverse of Gilbreth) which is a classification plan to comprise 18 basic hand motions.These hand motions are

Transport loaded
Transport unloaded
Pre-position for next operation
Release load
Unavoidable delay
Avoidable delay
Rest to overcome fatigue

These are the fundemental motions required for a worker to perform an manual operation task.There are two major contributions to the world by The Gilbreths .The first one is The introduction of the surgical nurse as 'the caddy' (in Gilbreth's words) to the surgeon, who hands the doctor operating surgical instruments as called for.The second one is The standard techniques used by armies around the world to teach recruits how to rapidly disassemble and reassemble their weapons even blindfolded or in total darkness.

Bricklaying System
Motion Study:A Method for Increasing the Efficiency of the Workman
Cheaper by the Dozen
Field System of Frank B. Gilbreth

Are some books written by Frank Bunker Gilbreth As I Remember: An Autobiography was written Lillian Gilbreth.He died because of his heart problem in 1924



HENRI FAYOL(1841-1925)

Henry Fayol is a French management theorist which was born in Istanbul.He had proposed that there are five functions of management

Planning Organizing Commanding Coordinating Controlling

But these functions have been reduced five to four .Planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, controlling by many of today’s management texts. According to Henri Fayol ,there must be only one direector for each person in an organization.Fayol also is the father of modern operational management theory.His ideas are related with Frederick Taylor’s ideas.But according to Claude George (1968)the fundemental difference between Fayol and Taylor is that , Fayol viewed management processes from the top down ,Taylor viewed it from the bottom up. Taylor’s theory was related with workers more than management.Fayol proved that this system can be applied in management too.According to Fayol, skills of managers depend on the place of the manager in hierarchic system.There are fourteen main principles of management.

Division of work – work and tasks should be perform by people specialized in the work and similar tasks should be organized as a unit or department.

Authority – delegated persons ought to have the right to give orders and expect that they be followed.

Discipline – workers should be obedient and respectful of the organization

Unity of command – employees should receive orders from only one person with authority

Unity of direction – the organization and employees are dedicated to one plan of action or set of objectives.

Subordination of individual interests to the general interest – organizational conflict should be limited by the dominance of one objective.

Remuneration – although Fayol provides no guidance on pay, the organization must recognize the economic value of employees and that their economic interests are important.

Centralization – whether an organization should be centralized or decentralized depends upon such factors as communications and the importance of who should make the decision.

Scalar chain – authority in an organization moves in a continuous chain of command from top to bottom.

Order– everything, people and resources, has a place that it belongs.

Equity – fairness is important in management-employee relations

Stability of tenure of personnel – turnover is disruptive; shared experience is important

Initiative – Workers are exhorted to be productive and motivated.

Esprit de corps – there is a need for harmony and unity within the organization

He died in 1925 in Paris

Quotation from Henri Fayol

To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, co-ordinate and to control


23 Mart 2008 Pazar

FREDERICK W. TAYLOR(March 20, 1856-- March 21, 1915) & SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT

Frederick Winslow Taylor was an mechanical engineer ,who studied on improving industrial efficiency. He was the father of scientific management. He had very definite ideas about improving the system. Also, according the Taylor workers were supposed to be incapable of understanding what they were doing. He was the creator of the system ,which is called Taylorism. Taylorism is a theory ,which analyzes and synthesizes processes, improving labor productivity in work. It is developed in 1880s and 1890. Taylorism is often mentioned along with Fordism. Taylorism compass scientific management.

Taylor proposed the four following principles of scientific management.

Replace the rule of thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of tasks

Scientifically, select train and develop each worker rather than passively leaving them to train themselves

Cooperate with workers to ensure that the scientifically developed methods are being followed

Divide work nearly equally between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks

Relationship with Henry Ford

Frederick Taylor had a close relationship with Henry Ford. Henry Ford generally applied the methods of Frederick Winslow Taylor. He applied the assembly line method of Taylor in modern ways. Before Henry Ford, Taylor’s assembly line system was not accepted by everybody

Development of Scientific Management

With the advancement of statistical methods, the approach was improved and referred to as quality control in 1920s and 1930s.Scientific management also evolved into operation research and management cybernetics during 1940s and 1950s. Since 1980s, total quality management has been a part of work life as an arm of scientific management. Today's Six Sigma and Lean manufacturing could be seen as new names for scientific management

Some Quotations From Frederick Taylor

It's easier to make a reporter into an economist than an economist into a reporter.

In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first... The first object of any good system must be that of developing first class men.


21 Mart 2008 Cuma

HENRY FORD(July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947) & DIVISION OF LABOR

Henry Ford was the founder of the Ford Motor Company.He also found Ford Airplane Company during First World War. Ford Airplane Division shut down because of poor sales during the Great Depression.He was born in America in 1863.He found the modern assembly lines and he used the modern assembly in mass production.He is the creator of the Fordism , which includes new liberal innovations about production.He was the leader of automotive industry in America also in world .He said “I will build a car for the great multitude.”.And he did it in October 1908.Henry Ford offered the Model T for $950.In nineteen years, its price dipped as low as $280.15.500.000 of them were sold in USA. Ford's mass-production techniques would eventually allow for the manufacture of a Model T every 24 seconds.He leaded huge gains in productivity.He offered a lot of adventages for his workers. In 1914, Ford began paying his employees five dollars a day, nearly doubling the wages offered by other manufacturers. He cut the workday from nine to eight hours in order to convert the factory to a three-shift workday.He also applied "Division of labor" principle of scientific management.By using this way he wanted to reduce wasted effort ,use his sources more efficiently continuous production and flow on the line.According to him every worker must be specialized in his/her work area.
Henry Ford also produced and patented a plastic-bodied automobile - a car 30 percent lighter than metal cars

Henry Ford During the Second World War

Henry Ford unfortunately was an admirer of Adolf Hitler.Hitler had a portrait of Henry Ford in his room and he told "I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration," to a Detroit reporter two years before becoming the Chansellor of Germany.Henry Ford was awarded the highest medal for the foreigners in July 1938.He also did not like the administration of the US president Franklin Roosvelt.During The Second World War , Henry Ford did not stop his executives from cooperating with Washington, but he himself did not get deeply involved. He watched suspiciously, focusing on his own pet side projects.
He died in 1947 and he was buried in the Ford Cemetery in Detroit.

Some Quotations From Henry Ford

People can have the Model T in any colour , so long as it is black.

I am looking for a lot of men who have infinite capacity to not to know what can not be done.

There is one rule for the industrialist and that's it:Make the best quality of goods possible at lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible.