21 Mart 2008 Cuma

HENRY FORD(July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947) & DIVISION OF LABOR

Henry Ford was the founder of the Ford Motor Company.He also found Ford Airplane Company during First World War. Ford Airplane Division shut down because of poor sales during the Great Depression.He was born in America in 1863.He found the modern assembly lines and he used the modern assembly in mass production.He is the creator of the Fordism , which includes new liberal innovations about production.He was the leader of automotive industry in America also in world .He said “I will build a car for the great multitude.”.And he did it in October 1908.Henry Ford offered the Model T for $950.In nineteen years, its price dipped as low as $280.15.500.000 of them were sold in USA. Ford's mass-production techniques would eventually allow for the manufacture of a Model T every 24 seconds.He leaded huge gains in productivity.He offered a lot of adventages for his workers. In 1914, Ford began paying his employees five dollars a day, nearly doubling the wages offered by other manufacturers. He cut the workday from nine to eight hours in order to convert the factory to a three-shift workday.He also applied "Division of labor" principle of scientific management.By using this way he wanted to reduce wasted effort ,use his sources more efficiently continuous production and flow on the line.According to him every worker must be specialized in his/her work area.
Henry Ford also produced and patented a plastic-bodied automobile - a car 30 percent lighter than metal cars

Henry Ford During the Second World War

Henry Ford unfortunately was an admirer of Adolf Hitler.Hitler had a portrait of Henry Ford in his room and he told "I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration," to a Detroit reporter two years before becoming the Chansellor of Germany.Henry Ford was awarded the highest medal for the foreigners in July 1938.He also did not like the administration of the US president Franklin Roosvelt.During The Second World War , Henry Ford did not stop his executives from cooperating with Washington, but he himself did not get deeply involved. He watched suspiciously, focusing on his own pet side projects.
He died in 1947 and he was buried in the Ford Cemetery in Detroit.

Some Quotations From Henry Ford

People can have the Model T in any colour , so long as it is black.

I am looking for a lot of men who have infinite capacity to not to know what can not be done.

There is one rule for the industrialist and that's it:Make the best quality of goods possible at lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible.

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