28 Mart 2008 Cuma

HENRI FAYOL(1841-1925)

Henry Fayol is a French management theorist which was born in Istanbul.He had proposed that there are five functions of management

Planning Organizing Commanding Coordinating Controlling

But these functions have been reduced five to four .Planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, controlling by many of today’s management texts. According to Henri Fayol ,there must be only one direector for each person in an organization.Fayol also is the father of modern operational management theory.His ideas are related with Frederick Taylor’s ideas.But according to Claude George (1968)the fundemental difference between Fayol and Taylor is that , Fayol viewed management processes from the top down ,Taylor viewed it from the bottom up. Taylor’s theory was related with workers more than management.Fayol proved that this system can be applied in management too.According to Fayol, skills of managers depend on the place of the manager in hierarchic system.There are fourteen main principles of management.

Division of work – work and tasks should be perform by people specialized in the work and similar tasks should be organized as a unit or department.

Authority – delegated persons ought to have the right to give orders and expect that they be followed.

Discipline – workers should be obedient and respectful of the organization

Unity of command – employees should receive orders from only one person with authority

Unity of direction – the organization and employees are dedicated to one plan of action or set of objectives.

Subordination of individual interests to the general interest – organizational conflict should be limited by the dominance of one objective.

Remuneration – although Fayol provides no guidance on pay, the organization must recognize the economic value of employees and that their economic interests are important.

Centralization – whether an organization should be centralized or decentralized depends upon such factors as communications and the importance of who should make the decision.

Scalar chain – authority in an organization moves in a continuous chain of command from top to bottom.

Order– everything, people and resources, has a place that it belongs.

Equity – fairness is important in management-employee relations

Stability of tenure of personnel – turnover is disruptive; shared experience is important

Initiative – Workers are exhorted to be productive and motivated.

Esprit de corps – there is a need for harmony and unity within the organization

He died in 1925 in Paris

Quotation from Henri Fayol

To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, co-ordinate and to control


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